
Hheeeellllloooooo! This post will be about friends! Or at least my friends!

Okay, okay, I will not lie, but I’ve got quite a few friends! I have, hold up let me count! Soo.. Delta, Maddison, charlotte, Tahlia, Aarna, Milly and a few more outside my school! So thhhaaatttsss… 6! Wow.. just looking at that that doesn’t feel like much… but it seems like a lot looking at them! But I’ve had AWESOME times with them! Like how I did the post about “My Birthday!” That was SUPPER fuunnn! And next weekend I might be going camping with my bestie! But we’re not going too far away coz it’s only her mum, but I don’t even care! As long as I can spend time with her! Then on the 16th(tomorrow) it’s going to be my bestie’s and I’s last faction Carnaval until high school! That will be suupppeerrr fuunnn!! And the Halloween party at Charlottes, and her birthday party, and Delta’s birthday party!

But anyways that’s all for noowww!!!! Byyyeeeee!!!


Hiiiiiiiiiii! You know what Opinions are; right? This blogs post will be about opinions, well MY opinions. Like different people have different opinions! So right now I will be standing up for what I believe!

So, let’s have a little talk about “Jobs”! I strongly believe that YOU should do YOUR OWN jobs(even though I’m little too lazy to do them..)! Like the saying “If you make the mess, you clean it up”(well I don’t really know if it’s a saying or not!) Like, my mum does almost all my jobs! And I believe that the only time when you can’t do your on jobs is when your young or sick. Yes, I know, I know, no one likes jobs(unless it’s like your work job), no one likes cleaning their rooms(or at lest I don’t), no one likes doing the washing, no one really like doing anything really. So don’t ask why I’m saying that everyone should do their jobs! Please!

but I guess that all I can say for now! Byyyyeeeeee!


Heeeeellllloo! This is a pretty random post but its all good!  So I have a little doggie named ‘Tonka’!!! He is the cutest! We (my parents) named him ‘Tonka’ because we knew he will be a strong, tuff doggo! Well.. we ‘knew’ wrong! Sorry Tonka! But yeah, he is scared of a plastic bag flying in the air! We got Tonka when I was like, 8 MONTHS old! He’s 11 now! I’m glad he’s still in this world! But the thing is.. he’s getting(is) pretty sick… but he’s still alive! Tonka is sssooooooooooooooooooooooooo(I would do more ‘o’s!) ccuuuttteee! I love him so much!

But I know this is a pretty short post, buuuutttt, this is all the info I can get! Soooooooooooo.. BYYYYEEEEE!!!

Story Starters

Heeeelllloooooo!! This week in spelling we’ve been doing story starters(as you can see on the title). We normally do story starters to practise for narrative writing! Like “Where’s papa going with that axe?”, from Charlotte’s Web! The words we are using are: Jungle, Gaol(the English was of say ‘Jail’) and Genie! But anyways… these are mine(!!!):

Jungle: “Hm? Wh-where am I..?” She stood up wondering we she was. “Woah… this place is beautiful!”, she said looking around. “Wait… am I in a.. wait no… it can’t be… its impossible.. am I in a J-Jungle?!

Gaol: “You have been sentenced to Gaol for ten years” “NO! PLEASE!! I’M INNOCENT!! LET GO OF ME!!!” (that one was just a small one..!)

Genie: “Ooooo! What’s this?! Heh.. it’s super dirty!! Let me clean it!” He grabbed a tissue from his bag and tried his best to clean it. “Huh?” The item started shaking! Violently! “…” Something came out.. like a ghost.. or something… “I AM A GENIE!!!”

And that’s all I got(on the last one I only got up to “let me clean it!” before it was brake time! I did the rest in 10 mins!)! On the Jungle one at the “Wait..” part I wanted to add some humour and say “Wait..( Hold up, wait a minute!) because its a meme! Anyways.. how did u like mine?! But… I’m afraid it’s time for me to go! Byyyeeee!!!


My Birthday!

Heeeelllllllllloooo!!! It was recently my birthday!!  I’m twelve(12) now!!! I got some presents before my birthday cos(because) my dad left for work before my birthday. Then I opened presents on my birthday AND the next day! The day after my birthday was my party! My party was REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY(I would say more ‘REALLY’ but it’s probably REALLY REALLY nah just kidding(!) annoying, but anyways as I was saying..) FUN! AND I MEAN SUUUPPPPEEEEERRRRRRR FUN! There were some people who came over and they tort us how to paint this one thing: a sunset at a beach with a dolphin. It was soooooo cool! After that we ate some food ‘n stuff! Finally, MOST people went home, but three of my friends stayed  for longer, but my bestie slept over!

But anyways.. I guess that may be a little but, sooo… byyyyyyyyyeeee!!!

Physical & Mental Health

Ello! Physical and mental health is REALLY REALLY( and I mean SUPPER) important!

One way to stay Physically healthy, is to go out and about(go outside and play around, have a jog, take your dog for a walk and WAY more!)! Another way is to eat heathy food, like fruits(but not too much! To much is the opposite of heathy(kinda)!), and you can drink loooodddssss of ~water~!

One way to stay mentally healthy is to do the things you love! I mean, you could love painting(art), sport, playing with friends(or one thing I love is playing with my doggy, Tonka!), you may like to play video game(to be honest, I do love a video game!) But, those are just some things you may like, like there is waayyyy more things!

But also, you need to look after yourself in many other ways, so make sure to look after yourself!!! Byyyyyyeeeeeeeee!!!

School HOLIDAY’S!!!

HIII! Its JUST been the school holidaaaayyyss! So.. what have I done? I’ll tell you right now!

We went to New Zealand that’s all byyeee! WAIT!! DON’T GO I WAS ONLY KIDDING!!!

So… (THIS IS THE REAL ONE THIS TIME!!) we(me sister and I) didn’t go to  school (yeah, yeah, I know Its bad(kinda) but WHO CARE’S!)so we can finish off packing our bags, and as you know.. we went to New Zealand for my nans birthday! So Wednesday  we got a Uber to the airport at around 4 or 5… wait no 3 I think. But anyways, we got dinner and got on the plane, and the plane ride was OVER 5 HOURS(and it was REALLY early!)!!! But we got to NZ(New Zealand) at around 4 AM(!!!!!!!!!) LIKE! OMG! AND I ONLY SLEPT FOR 2 HOURS! But anyways, my mums BEST BEST BEST BEST(!) friend picked us up and it took her like 2 HOURS JUST TO GO TO THE AIRPOT TO GET US!! But anyways she dropped us off at the village that my nan lives at, BUT THESE MORE, so… on the way to my nans, it was obviously a loooonnngggggg riddeeeee, and I was hungry, sooo… I felt SICK! Sooooo.. we stopped off that a petrol station and i got fresh air then we went back into the car, then I was SICK! YES I DID! So my dad ran in and got some bags in all that.

But anyways.. sorry, this is a pretty long post so.. BYYYYEEEEEEEE!!!

A Little Podcast…!

HHIIIIIIIIIIIII!!! A while ago I(my Friends and I, make sure to check their blogs too(Charlotte’s and Delta’s blog)!) made a little podcast about (our opinions) The ‘After Life’. I edited the podcast on the app called ‘Audacity’, you can use it on a computer or a laptop(of what I know of) and maybe search up a video on how to use it if its your first time. So its just a 2 minute podcast so grab your headphone(or earphones) a snack or a drink(or both) and also I made a little mistake at the end.. but meh!(And by the way, there is also a really funny part at the end)   

(Read this part after listening, PLEASE!) So.. you’ve listened to it, then, how do you like it? Do you have different opinions or do you think the same? Anyways.. hope ya liked it! See you next time! BYE!

What I did on MY Holidays-part 2

<Hhiiiii!> On one of my last post(it was called “Holidays”), I posted about me going on holidays even though term 2 in school just started but i only posted about me going on the plane(s) so I’m going to make the part 2 of this post! Ok let’s get started.. again!

So after all the bumps we landed then we all hopped off. After we hopped off, we got our bags then we went outside to find my opa(grandfather) and when we were trying to find him we saw this REALLY cute puppy and we got to pat it!!! But anyways.. when we were petting the puppy, we heard the sound of a car horn beep at us or someone and we ternned around to see my opa in a car; then we put our stuff in the car hopped in(said bye to the puppy first).

On the way back to our apartment we went to Mcdonalds for dinner cos it was 10pm and ate we most of it on the way to the apartment cos it was a pretty long drive. When we got to our apartment (jeez how many times do I have to say apartment?!?!) we met my auntie’s fiancé for the first time!

I think that’s all for now, I’ll make  another post soon, byyeeeee!!

Cross Country-Narrative

I kept running, wanting to stop, everyone was cheering me on, telling me to keep going and not to stop. My legs were killing me; my throat was as dry as a desert.

Hellloooo! Yesterday we did cross country; soooo.. I’m making a narrative about it!

I’ve only done half of one lap and I have to keep going I’ve done all running I have to take a break and walk for a bit. I walked trying to get my energy back; everyone was telling me to run and that I’m doing very well, but, I couldn’t run, I had no energy left, I need, I want to save energy. “Come on, just one more lap left!”“You’ve done one, just one more to go!” I ran. Fast. But not too fast I have to run faster at the end when everyone is watching me. A quarter was left… I’m finally, almost done, after about five minutes of running 3 minutes of walking, I ran up up the hill, ran as my sister and all my her friends, my friends, Delta ran up with me, then she slowed down and I sped up. I was done, finished.

Thats all I guess, thank you! Byyeee!